Take a look at my new book!

Thank you, God, … for Dirt and Worms Book Summary

Thank you, God . . . Dirt and Worms is a delightful 24 page picture book with a message for young and old. This story will make your children laugh with glee as they meet this wonderful collection of colorful creatures. And they will be reminded that God made all creation and everything he creates is good — even dirt and worms! As they enjoy the fun, kids will be reminded through the storyline and Bible verses that Jesus wants us to thank him for everything — all the time. For his creation, for his love, and for the special and unique way he designed each of us. Thank you, God . . . for Dirt and Worms can lead into a special family time of sharing as children and their parents share what they are thankful for.

What led me to write the book?

There is no other way to say it, but God did!  I couldn’t sleep one night.  A good friend of mine had suggested when you can’t sleep to pray the alphabet prayer. (alphabet prayer is when you pray for people starting with A to Z, by the time you get to Q you are asleep). When that didn’t work, I lay there and that is when I heard God say, “not thankful”.  Okay, this time I prayed the alphabet prayer but thanked God for everything from A to Z.  Still no sleep! That’s when I heard God say your kids are not thankful.  I finally went to sleep worrying that I had 2 grown boys that were omitting God in their daily life’s.  So, I talked to the boys about being thankful for everything from the positives to the negatives.  The next night, I wake up around 3 am with that still small voice from God, but this time it said, in a little louder voice, “the children are not thankful”.  It was then that I got up and began to write Thank you, God… for Dirt and Worms.


Now take a look at my Journal!

How does the book help your child?

Read my book and you and your child will learn scripture and see how we should be thankful for everything from the dirt from which we were created to the worms that make our harvest bountiful. Scripture is vital to survive in this fallen world and vital for us as parents to instill it into our children. So …. what better way to learn scripture than with your toddler.

  To purchase the book, click here.

Dirt and Worm’s Journal and Coloring Book

The journal is filled with coloring pages and lined journal pages to allow your child to freely express themselves.  Encourage them to write what their day was like or what who they played with at recess.  Remember, there is no wrong or right in journaling.  God knows what they are writing.  It’s our job as parents to encourage a day to day relationship with God.  I hope you enjoy this book as much as i enjoyed creating it.  Happy Journaling!



  To purchase the journal, click here.